Puppy Classes
1 class/wk for 6 weeks
Service Description
Get a head start during your puppies’ most critical socialization age and learn how to work with your puppy and build a strong foundation to structure, socialization and obedience. This class is focused on bonding with your new puppy and helping them become the most confident, obedient, and attentive little companion. The class is designed to teach you how to work with your dog and begin to understand the psychology behind why dogs do what they do and how to avoid unwanted behaviors as they grow into adulthood. Class Includes -Name recognition - Introduction to crate training -Learning to teach basic commands “sit” and “down” - Learning to teach “leave it” and “drop it/out” -Socialization -Building confidence and self-awareness - Loose leash walking and how to follow leash pressure
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
34 Dale St, Torrington, CT, USA